Wednesday, March 25, 2020

News Flash: Sleep is good!

I have to admit it - I funtion better on a full night of sleep.

I have to admit a second thing - I function better with coffee.

Putting those two things together, plus some planning, results in actually feel motivated to get things done.

A full night of sleep beats short sleep plus coffee.

Some days, though, are simply fueled by coffee.

Yes, Master of the Obvious! Welcome to this realization that everyone else knew!

I hear you, O wise crowd, the party that has been raging to which I am late (albeit fashionably.)

What am I doing with this magical formula?

  • Not getting sucked into the void that could be caused by sheltering-in-place.
  • Monitoring the kids' daily school schedules.
  • The kitchen has never been cleaner on a regular basis.
  • The laundry is always done.
  • My corners of disarray are shrinking.
  • I am getting better at NHL 20, though painfully slowly.
  • I am getting better at crossword puzzles.
  • I have learned backgammon.
  • Reading some books that have been collecting dust. Currently, working on Harvard Classics, specifically, Philip Sidney's, "Poesy," (pronounced: PO-eh-see.)
  • Some baking. Made chocolate chip cookies. Wife has been asking for scones for a week or so. Perhaps I will finally fulfill that request, even though she's the only one who really likes scones in the house.

That's about it. Perhaps I'll post some pics. Why not?!

Is your neck of the woods under shelter-in-place?
What are you doing to keep from going nuts?

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