Monday, June 17, 2019

Take the Tech Away

I am so angry with a news story that I heard on my local NPR station, WBEZ (of which I am a loyal subscriber.)

The story dealt with youth addiction to technology. One parent came on with her anecdote about her child who, as she described, played video games all day and all night throughout his teens and into his twenties.

The editorial continued with therapists and others who talked about the fact that it's not technically a medical condition that can be diagnosed.

What has me so angry?


I have to tell you, my small loyal following, that parents piss me off. Say no. Take it away.

Your child will scream, yell, and maybe even assault you.


Be a parent! You bought it for them.

Let me ask you this - would you rather waste the $500 you spent on the XBox and however much on games, or the thousands of dollars that therapy costs?

As a more macro discussion, the desire for people to outside of their families for therapy is getting out of hand. That's a pretty rich statement coming from me - from a family whose members have sought therapy here and there on a consistent basis.

However, this tech addiction is a tangible problem that is easily solved, or at least has an easy beginning to the fix. Take it away. Make rules. Enforce rules. Two working parents? Fine - unplug it and take it to work with you or lock it in your car until you get home.

For any parents of younger children, please use this as your cautionary tale. Make rules, enforce them, and force your kids to say, "please," and, "thank you." That's just a peeve of mine that is loosely related to this topic.

Remember - you are not their friend, you are their parent. You get to be their friend when they are in their twenties and on their own. Until then, you are a friendly police officer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Listening to whole albums

I've started listening to whole music albums at a time. If you have suggestions, please let me know. Just the greats, but no "greatest hits."

Rush - Moving Pictures*
Rush - Permanent Waves*
Guns N Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Jay-Z - Black Album*
Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
Elton John - Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player*
Jim Morrison & The Doors - An American Prayer*

* Indicates never listened to whole album, but may have heard a song or two from it

Friday, May 31, 2019

A Wonderful Quote

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Off Center

Does it bother you when your t-shirt graphic is off center? Have you never noticed this?

Find a shirt with a printed graphic, like a sports team. Is the graphic centered under the collar, or is it off slightly to one side?

Now it's going to bother you, too.

Monday, May 13, 2019

What I'm Up To These Days

Been a while!

This week's menu:
Monday – Kale-Radicchio Salad with Farro, Run Fast, Eat Slow
Tuesday – Slow-Cooker Chicken Pho, Eating Well
Friday – pasta night (I'll share my sauce recipe one of these days, but I can tell you that I haven't bought a jar of sauce in years.)

What have I been up to lately?
Playing guitar and wrote a song
Playing hockey
Coaching hockey
Working Out & Swimming
School Walkathon fundraiser
Pancreatic Cancer fundraiser
Game of Thrones
Listening to podcasts and audiobooks

My Aunt passed away at the age of 92. A good, long life. It inspired me to write a song. Perhaps someday I'll be willing to do a YouTube recording that I'm willing to share publicly, but not at this time. What I can say is that it came from an emotion that manifested itself as a thought that felt like a paradox: my heart was breaking but it felt as if there was a rainbow. So, I wrote a song about it. 

In the meantime, daughter has taken up the guitar. That has inspired me to pick it back up. (I've been playing on-and-off for around 20 years.) Some songs I've been rocking:
Fools Rush In, Elvis
It Ain't Me, Babe, Bob Dylan
I Love You Will Still Sound the Same, Oh Honey
Paradise City, Guns N Roses
Just as often, I'll rock some made-up instrumentals. Perhaps someday I'll have the courage to post and share.

I'm currently on 2 1/2 hockey teams. I've become the manager of a team on which I play for the first time, so I get to pay the league fee, collect from players, order jerseys, do the scheduling, make sure we have enough players for each game, and - most importantly - ensure that there is beer for after the game. Why be on so many teams? Our games are not on the same night every week, and may fall as long as 9 days apart. With busy life schedules, this generally ensures that I am playing at least one game per week. Sometimes it's four, sometimes zero.

Coaching hockey has been awesome. My brother and I love to talk hockey coaching and we have had love-fests over how much we enjoy it. I heard that Pat Riley said that coaching is a distant second to playing. I believe that he meant playing at a high level competitively. While I still LOVE to play, I would never blow off coaching to play. Unless I was due for my assistants to cover for me and the team was short of guys to play, then I'd consider it :)
I have created a YouTube channel for coaching. While not complete, it will have my favorite drills diagrammed, as well as links to drills that others have filmed. I'll post that when it's ready.

As you saw at the beginning, I have a menu for the week. Wife and I have a system that we've had in place for years. I just went to my email and found that the first one was done in October 2013. It makes scheduling my week infinitely better - I know what to buy and when (keep it fresh) as well as when during the day I should prep and create. It also provides a map of leftovers for which we prepare (Wife now prefers taking leftovers to work over buying local quick-serve fare.) I'll post more about lunches in the future. Maybe.

As part of my quest for self-improvement and wellness, I have adopted some concepts. My co-coach from this fall/winter hockey season turned me on to some longevity concepts. Part of that is intermittent fasting. And, of course, physical fitness. He provided several resources, but I'll just mention 4 Hour Body, by Tim Ferriss. You can read up on Ferriss (NYT Bestseller, etc.) I have adopted an eating schedule in which, for 6 days of the week, I eat between the hours of 12:00pm (noon) and 8:00pm. Between 8:00pm and noon the next day, I don't consume calories. Since adopting this schedule in mid-February, I have lost around 7 pounds without really changing what I eat or how much I eat. I generally eat pretty healthy, but chocolate and chips do transition from hand to mouth on a regular basis. 

Also, I do cheat. If I don't enjoy my life, the program won't be sustainable. So, most days I'm right on, but some days I'm not. After my nighttime hockey games, I'll have a beer or two with the guys. Vacation? Throw out the rules. Oh, did I mention that part of intermittent fasting is having a binge day? According to Ferriss, it is important that one day per week you eat whatever you want and as much as you want, as this prevents your body from going into a hibernation state of metabolism. Please do read / listen up on how to incorporate this into your life and consider consulting a nutritionist / dietician as well as your physician.

4 Hour Body talks about more than fasting. For building muscle, it provides guidelines on two workout routines to follow. Long story short, the strength-training workouts take about thirty minutes and REQUIRE two days of rest in between. So, you're working out two times every six days. I am only two workouts in, but I can tell you that they have made me quite sore (in a good way.) 

Swimming was also incorporated into 4 Hour Body. I have never been a good swimmer, but really would like to build up that skill. The book recommended Total Immersion: Freestyle Made Easy. Since the writing of Ferriss's book, Total Immersion has expanded their course offerings (I have no idea if it had anything to do with Ferriss's reference.) It is a step-by-step manual to learning how to swim. As a coach, I love how it breaks down the physical movements and body positioning. So far, I've gone from barely being able to swim 1.5 lengths before having to put my feet down and rest to being able to swim 500 yards. It takes me about 30 minutes, but it feels good to be able to swim continuously. And I definitely have not perfected the system, but incorporate elements in every swim workout I do for long-term incremental improvement.

The last thing that I'll mention from 4 Hour Body is heart rate based exercise. It turns out that our aerobic goals are best met by training within certain heart rate zones. While I'm not going to go through those right now, I can tell you that if your goal is to burn fat and you are training intensely and sweating profusely and getting out of breath, you are probably not losing fat as quickly as you had hoped and are becoming discouraged. It turns out that burning fat takes place at a relatively low heart rate - not resting, but not pounding. Look it up.

Keeping my house clean has never been my homemaking strong suit. We have had the good fortune to be able to afford a cleaning service every other week for many years. However, the service that we had been using for over ten years had a lot of turnover and the most recent couple of rounds of employees have not been up to par. I canceled that service and hired another but she was not particularly good and wanted a higher fee than I wanted to pay. Frankly, I was not willing to pay very much. I decided that I either had to hire an expensive service or do it myself, so I'm doing it myself. It's going okay, but I'll talk more about that in another episode. 

This is getting super long, so I'll hopefully keep writing on another day. For now, here are the highlights:
  • Walkathon - it exposes my weaknesses but in a good way
  • PANCAN fundraiser - another thing that's important but worthy and that I have to schedule time to work on
  • Game of Thrones - Wife and I just started watching it and are through S1:E3. So far, a lot of blood, a lot of boobs, some incest, and constant combative dialogue. Fun!
  • Podcasts: Currently Listening to Hardcore History, Supernova in the East Part 1; recently listened to Martyr Made God's Socialist Pt 1; consistently listen to: Tim Ferriss Show, Wall Street Breakfast.
  • Audiobooks: Currently listening to The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer; recently listened to The 4-Hour Body, Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek, Ferriss, A Column of Fire, Ken Follett.
  • Travel: Went to LA and a little bit north to Los Alamos for a wedding and a funeral. 

Thanks as always for reading.