As they do for many of us. From her room, there are items that were gifts from friends who have moved away, from family members, from vacations. Wife and I have explained that, unfortunately, we must get rid of old possessions to make way for new ones. You're only 9 and you've accumulated all of this - and we've gotten rid of lots over your life. Imagine what it would be like if Mom and I had kept this many things! We would need a house just to hold our stuff.
That's not to say that I don't have plenty to shed. As I believe I've mentioned in previous posts, I have piles in corners that badly need attention. Still, eventually things get tossed. Out with the old, in with the new.
Now there is a mound of bags in my kitchen waiting to be sorted into garbage and giveaway. as I looked, something caught my eye. There, at the top of the bag of stuffed animals, was Moosey. Moosey is from JD's infancy. He slept with two stuffed animals - Moosey and Puppy. Puppy still remains, but Moosey has long been relegated to a shelf ornament. Seeing Moosey in a bag almost made me cry.
Daughter, however, is quite happy with her new room, relieved of its burdens. There are still plenty of stuffed animals, books, and trinkets. Just as any of us are happy with our unloaded closets and dressers after purging our decade-old clothes that aren't worn out, but are never worn.
In this holiday season, remember that we make memories with each other and have little markers of these times in our lives, times that become hazy or forgotten when we are forced to part with the tangible items that served as bookmarks for the events, stories, and pictures in our mind.